Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reading report Two Kinds by Amy Tan free essay sample

Two kinds, one of the short stories in The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, first published in 1989, vividly displays a bittersweet relationship between Jing-mei, the narrator and protagonist, and her mother Mrs. Woo, and explores conflicts between a Chinese mother and her disobedient Americanized daughter. The story happened in the Chinatown in San Francisco throughout the 1950s and maybe the early 1960s. It begins with Jing-mei and her mother’s moving to America in 1949. Encouraged by the American Dream and the conventional Chinese parents’ values, Jing-mei’s mother imposed great hopes on her and expects her to become a child prodigy. She tried in all ways to discovery the special talent in Jing-mei. First, she pushed Jing-mei to be the next Shirley Temple,but that didnt work. Then she prepared intellectual tests which were clipped from popular magazines for Jing-mei everyday. Unfortunately, Jing-mei didnt show promise in this field, either. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading report: Two Kinds by Amy Tan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally, the mother stumbled upon the answer that Jing-mei must be a piano virtuoso, and forced Jing-mei into piano lessons which taught by Mr. Chong, an elderly piano teacher, who is deaf and whose eyes are too weak to tell when Jing-mei is playing the wrong notes. At the very beginning, Jing-mei believed in her mother that she could be a prodigy. Nevertheless, she did not enjoy the strict ways of her mother latter. As she grown up, she found her self-identity, â€Å"I won’t be what I am not†. Then she realized she must reject and rebel her mother. After that, she tried to fail her mother’s expectation in every way and made herself a nonconformist. To her surprised, her mother hit on the conclusion that she would be a pianist, and she was forced to take the piano lessons. Whereas, Jing-mei thought And right then, I was determined to put a stop to her foolish pride Latter, at a recital in the church, Jing-mei failed in her performance which deeply disappointed her mother and made her lost face in front of her friends. Next day, to her astonished, her mother asked her to practice the piano again. This was when she told her mother her real thoughts. She was terribly angry that she told her mom she wished she was dead. We can learn that her mother once had other babies but they died before she left China. Jing-mei’s word deeply hurt her mother and since then her mother completely give up the ideal of making her to be a prodigy. Many year latter, Jing-mei was shocked when her mother gave  her the piano as a thirtieth birthday present. Only after her mothers death could Jing-mei accept the piano. As she was packing her mothers things, she sat down to play the piano for the first time in many years and surprisedly to find that â€Å"Pleading Child† and â€Å"Perfectly Pleasing† were two halves in the same song, which implies that she realize she is a girl with both obedient and rebellion. An analysis of first-person narrative In accordance to the Wikipedia, the definition of first-person narrative is that, â€Å"first person perspective is a mode whereby a story is narrated by one character at a time, speaking for and about themselves. First-person narrative may be singular, plural or multiple as well as being an authoritative, reliable or deceptive voice and represents point of view in the writing.†Now let’s look at the effectiveness of the first-person narrative in Two Kinds in the following two aspects. 1. In line of the definition above, we can see, in a first-person narrative, story is reported by a narrator, one of the characters in the story. The narrator refers to the viewpoint character as I (or, when plural, we) when he reveals the plots. When we read the story Two Kinds, we find that it is told in first person, as well, by the protagonist, Jing-mei. It is an irrefutable fact that writing in first person can bring great benefits. First and foremost, the first-person point of view will directly narrate the deeply internal, otherwise unspoken thoughts of the narrator, which can push the story closer to the readers and make them forget the plot is well designed as a piece of fiction, and even accept it as a truth. Furthermore, because the audiences tend to accept the narrator as the character, and the same, the character again as a real person, who talks to them face to face, they are more inclined not only to believe in whatever the narrator says, but they also immediately empathize with her. This story is exclusively from Jing-mei’s perspective for what she thought and did and what took place, where it happened, and how it process, which allows the readers to directly realize the progressing of the plot through her eyes. I contend that this leaves the readers closer to the plot developments, and they are somehow attached to Jing-mei. Therefore they are more easily to feel involved in the story, and resonate with her experience greatly. This might be a valid reason why the  novel can win an instant huge success in 1989. 2. Although Jing Mei is too young to know what was her mother’s real thought, she gives a clear description of what her mother said, did, how she did it. Some people might contend that she is such a young character that she can not realize that why her mother did it. They suppose that all things her mother has done is only want to give the best things for her. Although there are some sound reasons for the opposite, I personally reckon that, Jing-mei is a skillful storyteller. There are four illustrations I take out from the story to support my view. First and foremost, take the the description of her mother’s action,â€Å"Up and down, back and forth, quiet and loud† as an example. By the narrative of her in these simple words, we can visualize the vivid scene. Besides, the dialogue between she and her mother in the climax promote the movement of the plot. Meanwhile these words description clearly reveals the major conflicts in this story, for instance,â€Å" ‘Only two kinds of daughter,’ shouted in Chinese, ‘Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!’ † Apart from this, Jing-mei’s reply to her mother, such as,â€Å"I wish I wasn’t your daughter. I wish you weren’t my mother†, â€Å"Then I wish I’d never been born! †, â€Å"I wish I were dead! Like them† , also conveys a tension that facilitate the plot go toward the climax. From this part of narration, we can learn the reasons why her mother be so strict on her and her impetuously rebellion to her mother, which immediately established a link between the rising action part to the climax and then the climax to the falling action. Since Jing-mei’s words hurt her mother deeply that she eventually give up her stubborn idea and then the story goes to the end. Additionally, Jing-mei confessed that she never did anything the best she could be for so many years, except to spite her mother. In her deep inside, she is proud when mother told her the piano is hers and she should take it. Eventually, the story comes ends with she realization that she was actually both a obedient and rebellion girl. Jing-mei’s experience makes the readers reflect on their own lives and relationships with their own parents. She constructs the story in this waythe first point of view, that makes the plot flow, and successfully attracts the readers’ curiosity in what would happen to her next. From what I have shown above, we can see story writing in first person narrative has great naturalness and persuasiveness and we can benefits a lot when we write something in the first perspective.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How To Write a Business and Personal Letter in Spanish

How To Write a Business and Personal Letter in Spanish Whether youre writing a letter to a Spanish-speaking friend or preparing a formal business letter, the greetings and salutations in this lesson can help give your letters credibility. Greetings to Use in Writing a Letter In English, it is common to begin both personal letters and business correspondence with Dear ___. In Spanish, however, there is more variation depending on how formal you want to be. In personal correspondence, the equivalent of dear is querido or querida (the past participle of querer), depending on the sex of the person. Querido is used for a male recipient, querida for a female; plural forms queridos and queridas can also be used. In Spanish, it is the rule to follow the greeting with a colon rather than the comma used in English. Use of a comma is seen as an Anglicism. Querido Roberto: (Dear Roberto,)Querida Ana: (Dear Ana,)Queridos Juan y Lisa: (Dear Juan and Lisa,) Note that in Spanish the masculine form, queridos, is used if the recipients include people of both sexes. However, querido is too casual for business correspondence, especially when you arent a friend of the recipient. Use estimado or estimada instead. The word literally means esteemed, but it is understood the same way as dear would be in English: Estimado Sr. Rodrà ­guez: (Dear Mr. Rodrà ­guez,)Estimada Sra. Cruz: (Dear Mrs./Ms. Cruz,)Estimada Srta. Gonzlez: (Dear Miss Gonzlez,) Spanish doesnt have a true equivalent of the English courtesy title Ms. (and in Spanish, the distinction between seà ±ora and seà ±orita, traditionally translated as Mrs. and Miss, respectively, can be one of age rather than marital status). It normally is fine to use the courtesy title of Sra. (the abbreviation for seà ±ora) if you dont know whether a female recipient of the letter is married. Good advice is to  use Sra. unless you know the woman prefers Srta. If you dont know the name of the person youre writing to, you can use the following formats: Muy seà ±or mà ­o: (Dear sir,)Estimado seà ±or: (Dear sir,)Muy seà ±ora mà ­a: (Dear madam,)Estimada seà ±ora: (Dear madam,)Muy seà ±ores mà ­os: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,)Estimados seà ±ores: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,) The Spanish equivalent of to whom it may concern is a quien corresponda (literally, to the one responsible). Closings to Use in Writing a Letter In English, it is common to end a letter with Sincerely. Again, Spanish offers a greater variety. Although the following closings for personal letters may sound overly affectionate to English speakers, they are quite commonly used: Un abrazo (literally, a hug)Un fuerte abrazo (literally, a strong hug)Carià ±osos saludos (roughly, kind regards)Afectuosamente (affectionately) The following are common with close friends or family members, although there are many others that can be used: Besos y abrazos (literally, kisses and hugs)Besos (literally, kisses)Con todo mi carià ±o (with all my caring)Con todo mi afecto (with all my affection) In business correspondence, the most common ending, used in much the same way as sincerely in English, is atentamente. That can also be expanded to le saluda atentamente or les saluda atentamente, depending on whether youre writing to one or more persons, respectively. A more casual ending that can be used in business letters is Cordialmente. Longer salutations include saludos cordiales and se despide cordialmente. Although this language may sound flowery to English speakers, it is not unusual in Spanish. If you are expecting a response from a business correspondent, you can close with esperando su respuesta. As is common in English, the salutation is typically followed by a comma. If youre adding a postscript (posdata in Spanish), you can use P.D. as the equivalent of P.S. Sample Personal Letter Querida Angelina: ¡Mil gracias por el regalo! Es totalmente perfecto.  ¡Fue una gran sorpresa!Eres una buena amiga. Espero que nos veamos pronto.Muchos abrazos,Julia Translation: Dear Angelina,Thanks a lot for the gift! Its totally perfect. It was quite a surprise!Youre a great friend. I hope we see each other soon.Lots of hugs,Julia Sample Business Letter Estimado Sr. Fernndez:Gracias por la propuesta que usted y sus colegas me presentaron. Creo que es posible que los productos de su compaà ±Ãƒ ­a sean à ºtiles para minimizar nuestros costos de produccià ³n. Vamos a estudiar la propuesta meticulosamente.Espero poder darle una respuesta en un plazo de dos semanas.Atentamente,Catarina Là ³pez Translation Dear Mr. Fernndez,Thank you for the proposal that you and your colleagues presented to me. I believe it is possible that your companys products could be useful for reducing our production costs. We are going to study the proposal thoroughly.I hope I can give you a response within two weeks.Sincerely,Catarina Là ³pez

Friday, November 22, 2019

Changes to the GED More High School Equivalency Exam Options

Changes to the GED & More High School Equivalency Exam Options In 2014 the GED exam was overhauled for the first time since 2002. Since the change, the National GED Testing Service saw a significant decrease in graduates. As a reaction to the decrease in grads, many states began researching and implementing alternative equivalency exams. The numbers were nothing to sneer at. Whereas in 2012 401,388 people passed the GED test, only 58,524 passed it in 2014. Some reports said that even high school graduates couldn’t pass the new GED. Changes included computer only administration, and more writing and critical thinking components. Designed to mirror high school curriculum changes and to mimic the skills required in a changing workforce, the GED was due for an update. Since the government created the GED in 1942 for the young men and women returning from World War II, the test has been updated five times. The upgrades usually result in drops in participation the following year, as test takers elect to wait until they have a better handle on what the new test will look alike before signing up. Some see this latest update as an unnecessary barrier for people who are already at a disadvantage. By increasing the test’s difficulty, increasing the cost, and requiring computers, they say people who are already struggling are being put at a disadvantage. Proponents for the changes to the test argue that the changes were needed in order to keep it relevant for employers who rely on the GED to measure skills comparable to those a high school graduate would have. In today’s technological world, it’s rare to find a workplace that isn’t mostly digitized. Alternative high school equivalency exams include the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) or the TASC. Those opposed to the difficulty level of the GED say that the HiSET and TASC are fairer to students and less expensive. The alternative tests were actually created in the face of concerns that the GED was becoming more profit driven. Some say that it’s good to have alternatives but others argue that the increase in options may confuse test takers and may defeat the purpose of standardization inherent in the GED. In many states, the response to the more difficult GED was to lower the score needed to pass the test. In Michigan and 32 other states, the passing score for the GED was lowered from 150 to 145. The change was recommended by the GED Testing Service after the changes were implemented and fewer people started passing (and taking) their exam. In 2015, the exam had a 73% pass rate. Aside from the lower passing score requirement, in some states, test takers with scores between 165 and 174 are categories as ready to enter credit-bearing college courses and those who receive a score between 175 and 200 qualify for up to ten hours of college credit. These changes demonstrate an effort by the GED Testing Centre and local governments to improve the GED program while also attempting to stay relevant in a world where high school dropouts are finding they have increasing options.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Medias Perception of Paris Hiltons Imprisonment Essay

Medias Perception of Paris Hiltons Imprisonment - Essay Example The unit of measure was established by reference to key words for searches. Media's reaction in the pre-serving period is referenced to: blacklash, her image, get rid of her & feeling sorry for her and post era referenced to exclusive story, interviews, appearances & celebrity status. Media channels, databases and key words which will be used for searches are presented in Table 1 Table 1 Media Type Examples of Media monitored Monitoring mechanism Keywords/Topics used for search Television National News programs Topic searched ABC News NBC News Pre-serving period: blacklash, her image, get rid of her & feeling sorry for her NationalMorning Programs Good Morning America Post era - exclusive story, interviews, appearances & celebrity status Magazines National Magazines Cosmopolitan Newsweek Databases Hilton files Media citations will be reviewed to determine that each broadcast or article has affected the perception of Paris Hilton positively has affected the perception of Paris Hilton negatively has not affected the perception of Paris Hilton A mass media log needs to be complied to establish the number of times each specific keyword was covered the total number of broadcasts or articles that appeared in May, June & July 2007 the content and characteristic of the media coverage as they related to the topics Findings During the 66 day monitoring period, number of media coverage exposures will need to be assessed. Of these exposures, the number of times each topics under references was covered will be established - from television, newspapers and databases. The analysis could be presented in a...As an actress, she has appeared in several minor roles, most notably in the horror film House of Wax (2005). Some of her more recognizable screen work has been alongside friend Nicole Richie in The Simple Life. In 2006, she released her debut self-titled album Paris. Hilton has since garnered notoriety as a result of several legal incidents, the repercussions of which have caused Hilton to serve time in a correctional institution in 2007 (Web Site: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Mass media content analysis is to be conducted in the periods from the day of announcement of her sentence until commencement of term and the post sentence period of further one month. There are 66 days in the study period. The unit of measure was established by reference to key words for searches. Media's reaction in the pre-serving period is referenced to: blacklash, her image, get rid of her & feeling sorry for her and post era referenced to exclusive story, interviews, appearances & celebrity status. During the 66 day monitoring period, number of media coverage exposures will need to be assessed. Of these exposures, the number of times each topics under references was covered will be established - from television, newspapers and databases. ANALYZING MEDIA MESSAGES Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research Daniel Riffe Ohio University, Stephe

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fashion Brand Management Rizla Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fashion Brand Management Rizla - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Brand Management Rizla" talks about the Rizla Brand Management. According to David Aaker (author of BRAND PORTFOLIO STRATEGY, 2004), a pervasive lack of understanding of the role of brands in a company's success is wreaking havoc on companies' bottom lines. Subsequently, many companies fail to make the most of their brand portfolios. This trend can be reversed to revitalise brands to support growth. Rizla held an exclusive gig by a five piece Brazilian electro-rock band called CSS. The Rizla-inspired event also featured a special guest performance by the legendary Jarvis Cocker. The objective was to position Rizla as an innovative brand, targeting the 18-24 year olds; a strategy invoked to identify Rizla as a brand, with the music crazy younger generation. This is brand equity. Interbrand is a leading brand consultancy that was founded in London in 1974. Interbrand combines a rigorous brand strategy and analysis of management consulting practices with the entrepren eurial and creative spirit of branding and design. It offers a comprehensive array of consulting services that help in the creation, enhancement, maintenance and valuation of a client’s most valuable asset, their brands. Unlike other brand value league tables, Interbrand relies not on just a single source for evaluating a brand, but refers to a wide array of primary and secondary sources that are applicable to each brand, such as Datamonitor, ACNielsen, Gartner, and Hall & Partners. Interbrand engages its network.... Interbrand combines a rigorous brand strategy and analysis of management consulting practices with the entrepreneurial and creative spirit of branding and design. It offers a comprehensive array of consulting services that help in the creation, enhancement, maintenance and valuation of a client's most valuable asset, their brands. Unlike other brand value league tables, Interbrand relies not on just a single source for evaluating a brand, but refers to a wide array of primary and secondary sources that are applicable to each brand, such as Datamonitor, ACNielsen, Gartner, and Hall & Partners. Moreover, Interbrand engages its network of brand valuation experts from offices around the world to ensure that the league table considers the brands from a global perspective (Interbrand, 2006). Brands are tools used to project a product in the minds of the consumer. They exist mainly by virtue of a continuous process concerned with delivering a cluster of values, interpreted and internalised by customers in such a way that it enhances its existence. The feedback that an organisation receives determines the likelihood of brand success (De Chernatony, Ch.2, p.14, 2000). An important aspect in managing contemporary fashion business is supply chain management. Once an order is placed, the manufactured product needs to reach the designated store or consumer. Retail environment constantly undergoes changes, and unless the product reaches the wholesaler or retailer on time, it could have severe economic and consumer pressure. Market responsiveness and meeting the demands of the ultimate consumer are major reasons for success in fashion. The fashion industry ranks fourth largest in the UK today. The end of the world war changed the face of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cultural Diversity Ewareness Essay Example for Free

Cultural Diversity Ewareness Essay Many cultural differences abound in San Francisco’s educational institutions. The so many people of different races who live together in this side of the United Sates have quite a challenge trying to coexist because of their cultural differences occasioned by their differences in race, religion, gender, social status besides others. These differences pit the whites, Latinos, Caucasians, Black Americans and the physically challenged against each other in their day to day activities whether it is in the educational institutions, in church or in several other social organizations. A case in study here is the educational institution set up where these differences are so common they threaten to get out of control. All these groups live in a state of denial because they are not able to appreciate their cultural differences. Stereotyping coupled with worrying levels of intolerance has adversely affected social order in campuses since no one group is prepared to accept what they see as an act meant to devalue them from from an otherwise well- meaning different racial group. This has resulted in near total communication breakdown. One needs to be well acquainted with the several differences in the cultures of these students so as to be able to coexist without these unnecessary conflicts (Paul et al 1967). Black Americans and students from foreign countries mainly from Africa, Latin America and some Asian countries have most of the time had the going tough due to racial profiling. Discrimination is meted against them and their response is denial and defencse. A few respond to this challenge using minimization. Most cases of violent confrontations on many campuses in San Francisco are as a result of these differences which are more often than not ignored by the concerned authorities. Professionals handling students’ affairs should make every effort to infuse into students affairs work the needed skills that bring about multicultural competences, for example awareness and the knowledge together with the necessary skills so that the students can be able to work with fellow culturally different students in a way that bears meaning, relevance and productive ways (Pope, Reynolds Mueller 2004). Cross-cultural communication is a big issue here as the different racial groups speak a language that sometimes has words that do not exist in the vocabulary of the others or words that bear different meanings and this presents a case of communication on cross-purposes and therefore conflicts are bound to be frequent. We are talking about slang, idioms and dialects that are not common to all. A student from outside the U. S. will not fully understand the meanings of many words used by their native college mates occasioning a breakdown in communication. This age-group has its own set of language that deviates from the common language, the only one they know and this brings misunderstandings among them posing a threat to communication. The physically challenged do not fare well in many socio-cultural settings due to heir disabilities. They are left to maneuver through the tight and difficult programs in the educational institutions on their own. The frustration resulting from these acts of abeism makes them react by way of misplaced aggression (Jaime 2004). To this, they respond by coiling to a corner to give the strong way, and so do some female students. College youth has serious intolerance for some religions especially Islam. Most of them in this region few and associate it with terrorism, which is a very harsh term to a fellow student, but still they cannot avoid using it against students from some Asian countries or those from a similar origin. Counseling needs to be given priority in resolving these various differences and biases. REFERENCES Jaime, (2004). Toward Multiculturalism: A Reader in Multicultural Education; Newton, Ma, Intellectual Resource Corporation. Paul et al, (1967). Pragmatics of Human Communication: A History of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes. New York, W. W. Norton. Pope, Reynolds and Mueller, (2004). Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs; San Francisco, CA.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Online Communication among Youth Essay -- Facebook Instant Messaging I

Technology has provided people with the means to do things that would other wise be impossible. However, while technology has provided the ability to communicate with people halfway across the world, some believe it has limited the interaction with those who are closest. Yahoo, MSN and AOL are not only top e-mail providers but also offer 'real time' messaging, or instant messaging. Instant messaging has far replaced e-mail as a form of communicating, especially among youth. According to a 2005 study done by Pew Internet and the American Life Project on the social impact of the Internet, 59 percent of individuals under the age of 30 were more likely to instant message. This was in contrast to those over 30, who used instant messaging at a rate of 33 percent. College students and younger have grown up in the era of Facebook. Facebook is an online social network that allows you to communicate with friends, meet people you do not know and now it offers a new instant messaging system. This new system is called Facebook Chat. It allows you to see wh...

Monday, November 11, 2019

An Ideal Holiday.

After a long period of working, person decides to have an ideal holiday, which needs little arrangement. About myself I have different ways to decide how to spend my holiday. First of all, I will try to travel with my family abroad to any country. A country that we haven’t traveled to before. Another thing I should put in mind is to look for a country that has a nice cold weather. And most important, I will be looking for a country which is safe and secure to me and my family.Second, I will try to spend my holiday inside the other cities in my country. I will try to choose different places in the UAE, such as Al-Ain, Khorfakan, Hatta, Fujairah, Sharjah and Ras Al-Khaimah. I will try to spend three to four days in each place, where I can visit the most attractive parks, beaches, museums, mountains and restaurants. Thirdly, if I couldn’t travel abroad or I couldn’t spend it in other places outside my city I will plan to spend my holiday in the same city I am living in.This is by looking in the news papers, internet or Television about the different activities and events held in the different places in my city to be able to reach them easily. Finally, I believe if everyone tried to think in this way to choose his/her holiday, they will be successful in choosing the ideal holiday and therefore it will be the most interesting moments in life. This is because you will be spending your holiday in something that is arranged and at the same time interesting.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Bad Experience and What I Learned From It Essay

When my dad asked if I wanted to participate in a recital contest, which was citywide, I agreed without hesitation. I was a proud peacock thinking that it was impossible for me not to win, so I neglected practicing. But when I turned on the microphone, I was faced with a problem: What was the stunning opening line that I used to start speeches with? I was too arrogant to start with the common â€Å"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,† when I really couldn’t think of anything else. So there I stood, face ashen, eyes wide, holding on to the last hope that the lines would pop up. They didn’t, and the bell rang. I walked miserably off stage, trying hard not to trip to retain what little dignity I had left. The audience was quiet, and I was not used to it. Well goes the say,† No pain, no gain.† Were it not for the loss, I wouldn’t know the importance and essentiality of previous drills and being humble. Since then, I always make sure I practice till the last minute for anything that is to come. Read more:  No Pain No Gain Essay

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Evolution of Warfare Ancient Greece, Romans and Chinese Essays

Evolution of Warfare Ancient Greece, Romans and Chinese Essays Evolution of Warfare Ancient Greece, Romans and Chinese Essay Evolution of Warfare Ancient Greece, Romans and Chinese Essay Throughout the ages, weapons, armor, and even warfare have evolved in astonishing ways to suit societys needs. Many reasons exist for the changes in all these tools. Armor evolved through the need for one to protect him/her-self and weapons evolved alongside to break through this protection. Warfare evolved with society, just as society was evolving itself through time. No other societies better than Ancient Greece, Rome and China can show us how the Age of Armor began and evolved. These societies were the dawn of the great cultures of the world. Greeces epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey best describe the kind of warfare that was used in battle, along with the weaponry and armor of the time. Ancient texts and artifacts grant us access of how Greek warfare had changed and how some aspects of war remained the same, until the Roman times. The Romans improvised and improved a lot of the tactics that were used by the Greeks and along with new inventions they brought warfare into a whole new level. And the Chinese (Qin Dynasty) were the pioneers of many intriguing weaponry and battle tactics. The Greek soldiers were called hoplites (acquired this name from the hoplon, a convex, circular shield, approximately three feet in diameter, made of composite wood and bronze.(Encyclopedia Britannica). These soldiers were characteristically equipped with about seventy pounds of armor, most of which was made of bronze.Hoplites were equipped with a hoplon (shield), a cuirass, a helmet and a greaves which all consistent of bronze and a long thrusting spear with an iron tip and butt, along with a sword. The heavy bronze shield, which was secured on the left arm and hand by a metal band on its inner rim, was the most important part of a hoplites panoply, as it was his chief defense .

Monday, November 4, 2019

Pediatric Asthma Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pediatric Asthma Management - Assignment Example Physical examination will be carried out to check on the general appearance, hydration, respiratory and mental status. Physical examination of the 12 y/o patient will comprise of percussion, inspection, and auscultation. Under inspection, the nurse or health professional will observe the patient’s general color and appearance. There is a possibility of cyanosis during mild exacerbations where the patient’s color may remain pink. In the presence of asthma, an audible wheeze will be felt. For a severe case, the patient may have a barrel chest and manifestation of mildly enlarging work of breathing (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). In auscultation and percussion, an exhaustive examination of the lung fields is performed. The presence of wheezing signify airway obstruction, which can be different in the lung fields. Also, the patient will be checked for the existence of coarseness. Additionally, the adequacy of aeration will be assessed. In the event the airways are severely obstructed, the movement of air becomes poor that the wheezes may not be felt during auscultation. It is worth to note that percussion may produce hyper resonance (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). It is critical to perform some diagnostic tests to determine the severity of asthma. According to ATS Clinical Practice Guidelines, FENO is employed to underpin the diagnosis of asthma. Likewise, FENO utilized to determine eosinophilic airway swelling, direct dose titration of anti-inflammatory drugs, and forecast asthma relapse. Moreover, FENO can be used to assess adherence to anti-inflammatory drugs, predict asthma exacerbation and evaluate the possible reaction to anti-inflammatory medications (Davis, Eber & Koumbourlis, 2015). Another vital test is pulmonary function test that is a peak expiratory flow rate that uses a hand-held peak flow meter. The test will be done to examine initial and post-treatment airway obstruction in the 12 y/o

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Morning after Pills (first draft) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Morning after Pills (first draft) - Assignment Example However, it also reduces the incidence of unwanted pregnancy, particularly where none of the parents are ready for a child (Prescott, 2011). The arguments in support and against the legalization of access to morning after pills without prescriptions have been a thorny issue across the world for decades. However, the use of morning after pills, even after legalization of non-prescriptive pills, has been hampered by poor education in its use and ethical issues facing pharmacies with regards to selling to underage girls. While most people have heard about the pill, they do not have all the information about the extent of its purpose. In a survey of 88 patients in a reproductive clinic, in London constructed to observe their knowledge on the morning-after pill, 65% of the women had heard about it, although only 19% were aware of its seventy two-hour limit (Haussman, 2013). While the morning-after pill has the ability to prevent a woman from pregnancy, it will only be efficient is taken after 72 hours orally following contraceptive failure or unprotected sex. In addition, it only works when the woman is not already pregnant. The pill is not an abortion pill and offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections like HIV. It is also not meant for use as a regular method of birth control and should be used for a maximum of four times a month. If a woman is seventeen years or older, she can receive the pill at a local pharmacy if they can present proof age through relevant documents. The pill c ontains elevated levels of levonorgestrel, which is an analog of progesterone that is found in majority of pills for birth control (Haussman, 2013). After a woman takes the pill, various side effects like period changes, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, dizziness, headaches and tenderness of the breasts are to be expected. Where it is taken within 72 hours, there is a 95% reduction in probability of pregnancy. Although it was